@yostobeullie wow, how do you know that? do you have some telekinesis psychicsocial powers or something?
that is not cute, perspective matters
Age 20, human (after all)
spine gnawer
somewhere i don't belong
Joined on 11/28/21
@yostobeullie wow, how do you know that? do you have some telekinesis psychicsocial powers or something?
I agree! I am tired of this platform, and any art platform for a matter of fact, being used to publish such GRUESOME artwork! We must cut down those with such LUSTFUL tendencies! This shall end HERE AND NOW!!
If you are doing 'okay' financially or if mental health care is covered by your health insurance I would _strongly_ urge you to seek the aid of a medical professional: A mental health professional* with an actual degree. Do some research into what options are available in your region and do not go for 'spirit healers' or stuff like that.
Because the behavior and mindset what you put on display here is far beyond "Maybe you should talk to a friend..." - this requires actual therapy. It might sound scary at first, but you are far too unstable for somebody at the age of 20. If you do not get better I can guarantee you that you will grow increasingly miserable and that friends, potential romance options and job opportunities will vanish right before your eyes - and you won't understand 'why'...
And before you ask: This is not "about the porn thing". This is about something far more severe. But I am not a medical professional, so I won't try to give you "amateur therapy" or something. Seek professional help.
"those ignorant, dishonorable fools" lol
bet you feel just about awesome drawing literal pornography of a character you neither own nor created and post for EVERYONE to see, am i getting your point right?